Zion Ev. Lutheran Church, Friedheim

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Zion Ev. Lutheran Church, Friedheim

Zion Ev. Lutheran Church, Friedheim, is a Haven of Peace and a Harbor of Hope; anchored in rich history, but ever growing in Christ. Friedheim has been the spiritual home of generations of Adams County residents since February 25, 1838, and is a charter member of the Lutheran Church Missouri - Synod. Worship services are held at 9 a.m. every Sunday morning; a casual worship service is held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. in the Dahling Family Life Center. We welcome you to worship with us. We are a part of the Wyneken Memorial Lutheran School Association, along with St. John Lutheran Church (Bingen) and St. Paul Lutheran Church (Preble), and offer childcare services from ten weeks of age to school age, classes for Pre-School (3-year-olds) through 8th grade, and before and after-school care. Wyneken is a State and NLSA accredited Christ-centered elementary school.

Year Opened: 1838
160653 N 550 W
Decatur IN 46733


Daniel Buuck
Local: 260-547-4248